AGM 2019 – confirmation of details

The Club Board wish to clarify that the AGM to be held at the New Plough Inn next Thursday, 7th February, is for Club Members only.

The membership secretary will be taking a register of members present upon entrance, and members are requested to have either their membership card or a form of photographic ID.

As has already been reasonably communicated to club members by either post or email, the Agenda to be as follows:

1. Adoption of Chairperson for the purpose of the meeting
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the last meeting
4. Matters Arising
5. Directors Report
6. Treasurers Report
7. Adoption of accounts
8. Election of Directors
9. Motions received prior to the meeting
10. Close of meeting

There will be an opportunity after the AGM is closed for Club Members to ask questions and participate in an open forum.

The Club Board currently is comprised of elected directors Gerry Abbott, Stewart Dee, Dave Gunn, David Jackson, Mark Langley, Scott Sharman and co-opted directors Daren Playle and Bryan White.

The two co-opted directors are stood down automatically at the end of their tenure, and of the six remaining directors Gerry Abbott and Dave Gunn stand down by rotation as the longest serving in accordance with rule 65 of the club’s constitution. This leaves eight vacancies on the board in accordance with rule 59 of the club’s constitution.

Five nominations for directors have been received from Gerry Abbott, Dave Gunn, Keith Hookham, Daren Playle and Bryan White.

No Club Members’ resolutions have been received, however the Board wish to give notice of the intention to propose a resolution to the members in accordance with S84 of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, that the Club do not wish to appoint an auditor in respect to the accounts as laid out before the AGM on Thursday 7th February 2019.
