Club Statement Regarding Elections

Club Statement Regarding Elections

Following the recent AGM and board elections, club secretary Steve Jelfs has sent the following statement to members:

“As you know, we recently had our AGM and held out first elections to the board. Following the election, and before the board were officially appointed, an internal review was conducted in conjunction with Supporters Direct.

As Secretary, part of my remit is to ensure that members’ interests are not compromised, that board members act in the best interests of the club and it’s constitution, and that nothing is said or done by any official or member that could bring the club into disrepute. I take all of these very seriously.

During the review, it became clear that the election process had several flaws which have the potential to expose the club to spurious claims surrounding the election result. Given the nature of our club and our aim to be always open, honest and transparent, I don’t believe it would be right to hamper the new board and possibly taint the club with potential ‘finger-pointing’ and accusations.

While I know it will be disappointing for many, I have reluctantly taken the decision, in conjunction with Supporters Direct and in the best interests of the club and its members, to declare the result null and void and ask for a rerun. I have asked an independent group to run the election, compromising of an independent chair, at least one other independent person and a member of the Working Group who will not be standing. It is very important that everyone gives this group their full support in the task ahead. As soon as I have received acceptances I will confirm the names on the group, who will then meet and decide the timetable for elections.

In the meantime, the day to day running of the club will revert to being under the auspices of the Working Group.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at or pop into Gadsby’s most days.”